Dr. Thomas
Müller, LL.M.

- Diploma in agricultural engineering
- State-cetrified specialist for distilleries
- Distiller
- Patent Attorney
- European Patent Attorney
- Representative before the Unified Patent Court (UPC)
- European Trademark Attorney
- European Design Attorney
- Partner
Since 2023Representative before the Unified Patent Court (UPC)
Since 2017Awarded with the Golden Badge of Honour of the Esslingen University of Applied Sciences
Till 2014Master’s degree: European Intellectual Property Law at the Kurt-Haertel Institute for Intellectual Property, Fern University Hagen
Till 2014Master’s thesis at the Kurt-Haertel Institute for Intellectual Property, Fern University Hagen - “The use of streaming services in German and US American copyright law”
Since 2008Board member and treasurer of the district group South-West of the German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property and Copyright e.V.
Since 2007Lecturer at the Hochschule Esslingen in the area of the legal protection of industrial property rights
Since 2003Partner of the patent law firm Patentanwälte Schuster, Müller & Partner
Till 2003Setting up and heading the patent attorney’s office Patentanwalt Müller, Ostfildern
Till 2002Patent attorney training
Till 1999Scientific worker at the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) in Dijon, France
Till 1997Thesis at the State Teaching and Research Institute for Agriculture, Viticulture and Horticulture - “Volatilization of pesticides from unvegetated soils and plant surfaces”
Till 1996Postgraduate course in phytomedicine at the University of Hohenheim
Till 1993Degree course in general agricultural sciences at the University of Hohenheim
- Patent law
- Utility model law
- Trademark law and
indications of geographical origin - Design law
- Topography
- Protection of species
- Employee invention law
- Patent strategies
- Licence negotiations
- German Patent Attorneys´ Bar Association
- German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (GRUR)
- Board member and treasurer of the Southwest Regional Group of the German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (GRUR)
- Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (EPI)
- International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI)
- Federal Association of German Patent Attorneys (BDPA)
- European Patent Litigators Association (EPLIT)
- Association of Intellectual Property Experts (VPP)
- The German Scientific Society for Plant Protection and Plant Health r.S. (DPG)
- The German Agricultural Society r.S. (DLG)
- Lecturer in the master’s degree course in innovation management at the Hochschule Esslingen in the field of the legal protection of industrial property rights